USA Marine Inc. Service FAQs
If you have an event planned such as a graduation party, tournament, vacation, etc., we will get you in AS SOON AS YOU CAN GET IT HERE, to triage the problem. For general service, please call for an appointment. Please, we base our scheduling on the honor system.
Due to the ever increasing requirements of computers, programs, software, tools, etc., we staff ourselves to proficiently handle Mercury and Yamaha outboards, MerCruiser and Volvo sterndrives. We will work on almost anything {within reason} if it is cost effective for YOU. If it's too old or it just plain doesn't make sense, we will tell you. We provide warranty service for Mercury, MerCruiser, Yamaha, Honda, and Hidea outboards. Boat brands include: Glastron, Xcursion / Trifecta, Crestliner, South Bay and Phoenix products. Extended service contracts on most brands are also welcome.
Yes, we do. We have a ONE SEASON / ONE YEAR LABOR WARRANTY** on all of our work, unless specified. If applicable, parts carry a warranty issued by the manufacturer of that part. The process is straightforward. Call us. We'll get the boat / motor in immediately, triage the problem, fix it and get you back out on the water. Our goal is 100% satisfaction, no less. We can't help you if you don't bring it to our attention. Please tell us first!!
**Some might ask... "what's a season?". Well, from the date your boat is serviced until it's winterization time. If WE do the winterization, the time frame is one year from date of service. "What's the difference if I have you do it or myself?" There's simply too much at stake that is out of our control if we cannot put it to bed for the off-season.
Yes. If you don't have a trailer {or keep your boat in the water} we can at times provide on-site repair. Since we provide a pick-up and delivery service, it can be less costly with this approach. Please call us for details.
We send our technicians to the appropriate schools as needed. Currently, USAM is a Mercury Marine PREMIER DEALER. This means that we have met all of the requirements of Mercury Marine to hold the HIGHEST SERVICE LEVEL ATTAINABLE. This includes but is not limited to: certified techs, tools, computerized diagnostics, customer satisfaction scores in EXCESS of 95%, clean showroom, and service facility, with a top tier staff. WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU IS QUALITY SERVICE DONE PROFESSIONALLY, WITH LESS DOWNTIME.
We have 6 Technicians, 2 yard jockeys, 2 dedicated cleaners and of course office personnel.
Yes. As a matter of fact, we look at this as an opportunity to
Yes. As a matter of fact, we look at this as an opportunity to make a new friend. We will give you the same courtesy and prompt service as we do any other customer. If we do it right, we know where you'll make your next purchase!
Here we go...
"E-10" or "10% Ethanol" is being used in place of MTBE { Methyl-Tertiary-Butyl-Ether } as an oxygenator or octane enhancer. Derived from mostly corn, it is supposedly safer for our fragile environment.
Because marine fuel tanks are vented to the atmosphere, the alcohol will readily evaporate and/or attract water molecules directly from the air. When the percentage is great enough, it will "phase separate". The ethanol and water combine as a non-combustible slurry, fall to the bottom, leaving a degraded fuel on top. The degraded fuel may not have sufficient octane to protect the engine from damaging pre-ignition OR the slurry may clog filters, depriving the motor of fuel.
There are currently NO additives that will prevent phase separation from occurring. The remedy? USE YOUR BOAT, USE A FUEL ADDITIVE, AND KEEP THE TANK TOPPED OFF. The key is to use up the fuel and not let it sit. Even with the best additives, any long term storage over 6 months should be avoided. Annual fuel system maintenance is paramount.
Please, due to the inherent dangers of highly-flammable fuel, we cannot endorse the "do-it-yourselfers". It is recommended to have it professionally serviced.
FOR STORAGE: We store over 1000 boats annually. Through the test of time, we have determined that the fuel tank should be kept FULL over the winter, properly treated. As a percentage, we have found that the "problems" occur when tanks are not full, leaving air space for condensation build-up and phase separated fuels. We also recommend topping off with a PREMIUM FUEL. Why? If you go back to the second paragraph, I mentioned that the alcohol evaporates, and along with it, some octane. We prefer to see the fuel start out a little better, and end up being good enough.
NEWS FLASH!!! Just to update everyone, this process has worked extremely well, last storage period {14-15} less than 1% had a phase separation problem with the resultant carb fouling.
For more information on this topic, please visit www.mercurymarine.com.
Those are good questions. Those older outboards were sweet. I remember the odor of 2-cycle oils mixed 50:1, the resultant mosquito killing cloud that overtook a city block, and the beautiful cacophony of music that was generated by piston slap, reed noise, and metal cowls. Of course, you have to be a gear head like me to think THAT was "music"!!! I also remember those same outboards, using 6 gallons of fuel to go 6 miles, the oil slick left behind in the lake because of inefficient engine design, fuel dripping from the carb venturi and the inability to hold a conversation in the boat because the motor was making so much "noise". My Dad's 1960 Mercury 70 HP in-line 6 cylinder would foul a set of plugs by the time we went from one end of the Bass River to the other. But man did I love it. Those were the days...
The current crop of outboards, are NOT the same animals. Sophisticated fuel injection systems, hi-voltage electricals, on-board computers, electric fuel pumps, sensors, etc., contribute to exceptionally fuel-efficient, powerful, reliable marine propulsion units. They also cannot be "messed with", and require the latest diagnostic equipment to keep them running top-notch. They are so quiet that you can actually talk in the boat and all you'll hear is the water "tell-tail" hitting the lake surface. Indeed, VERY different... and very nice.
Other than basic fuel delivery, compression, electrical system output and timing, {squish-bang-push-suck} that is the foundation for any tune, as a Premier Dealer we have the ability to give you a "Computer Diagnostic Report" {if applicable}, that will show you what our trained techs look at. Careful monitoring of this data allows us to narrow down and pinpoint problem areas with quick resolution. With the latest Direct Fuel Injected, Four-stroke, EFI, or Supercharged propulsion unit, repairing these engines by competent and trained Techs has never been so important. Injector duty cycles, throttle position sweeps, sensor checks, ECU / PCM operating parameters, water pressures, % power available, map sensors, cylinder misfire tests, are just some of the data / testing available that you simply cannot obtain unless your servicing dealer has the tools and the know-how to read the given data.
Preventative maintenance is paramount for a reliable and trustworthy outboard.
Gone are the days where back yard mechanics can actually work on these motors. Have the pros do it for you.
First off, I often hear that "I don't have insurance on it". Why do I need insurance after all?
You can't see below the water surface as you're cruising along enjoying the scenery. You also can't avoid what you can't see. But you can protect your investment. Take out boat insurance! All Insurance policies are different but the basic premise applies. If you hit something, you will have coverage (more than likely) for the resultant damage. Be sure to discuss this with your Agent when looking over a plan. The process is very simple: Start by contacting your agent and put in a claim. Make sure to get all the pertinent info such as claim, policy numbers, e-mail and phone numbers. Of course the deductible you chose when writing the policy would be in effect. Don't get caught with a very expensive repair bill when you don't have to!!
Yes, we do. We have the ability to repair your boat to pre-accident condition. Gel-coats can be tricky but the end result is a like-new finish. We specialize in multi-color, poly-flake applications. Why put up with a bunch of scratches and gouges when your prized possession could look beautiful?
Plenty! As a matter of history, we've done numerous tests for noted Magazines such as Bass 'N' Walleye and Hot Boat.
We have MANY years of 120+ mph set-ups, and 300+ HP 11,000 rpm race motors (remember what I said earlier about "music to my ears?!). Let me tell you, if you've never sat in one of those water born rockets, you haven't lived... you do your best to get the boat off the water for as little parasitic drag as possible, while at the same time not allowing too much air to pack underneath it and blow it over backwards!
Gotta remember that there are directional wind waves, gusts, etc, that add to the challenge!! My boats ran on nothing but one blade and the bottom of the modified gearcase. Every once in a while the bottom might touch the water on occasion... have a peek at one of my past rides... the #22 Allison XR-2001 / 15" Merc 2.5 Drag... Yeah... We are truly proud to say that we "talk-the talk, because we walk-the-walk".
We can make your boat handle better, accelerate harder, and go faster…safely; we have the KNOW-HOW.
Our triage team at the service counter is ready to answer or assist in any way possible to ensure your boating satisfaction.
With years of experience behind us, our vision is to keep the momentum going forward with exceptional service and smiling faces. If at any time you feel our products or services are less than satisfactory, please bring it to our attention.
We are human and make mistakes at times, but we pride ourselves in problem resolution. We know you won't be disappointed. This is what separates TEAM USA from the competition.
Contact Information:
- Bob Bourget
- Marc Tsourides
(800) 370-2628 or (508) 791-7116
Summer Hours of Operation: M-F 8-5, Saturdays 8-12 {April-Sept }
Winter Hours of Operation: M-F 8-4, Closed Saturdays {Oct-March}